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About eMBS

eMBS Inc provides Mortgage-Backed Securities market participants with reliable and cost-effective internet-based access to mortgage data and analytics. 

Whether you own a few mortgage securities or thousands, you've learned that it is expensive and time-consuming to maintain the indicative information, factors, ARM data, prepayments, TBA eligibility, geographic data, and collateral you need to properly trade, settle and manage mortgage-backed securities.

With over one million securities now outstanding in the MBS market, the cost of maintaining accurate and timely databases and analytics is very high. If your firm can connect to the internet, you can lower those costs dramatically. By connecting to eMBS you can also receive data and analytics that your internal systems may not provide. If you have an intranet containing your positions, you can easily link to eMBS. No intranet? Use any browser to connect & store portfolios. Email access only? Send and receive data by email! Looking to reduce your market data and update systems costs? Get your data from eMBS - either raw agency data or database-ready with pre-calculated prepayments & market aggregations. Looking to overhaul your systems? Talk to us about our update programs - they're 100% Java and Y2K compliant! Take a demonstration tour of our products, then sign up and become a client. You'll love us for a million reasons!

Our experience comes from implementing mortgage systems internally for a high-volume Wall Street dealer since 1986. This has made us experts in the data and analytics for GNMA, FNMA, and FHLMC pools and REMICs.  Choose your preferred method of access:

eMBS uses internet technology to provide complex MBS information and analytics to all market participants.  This model reduces the costs of data, systems, and personnel by eliminating the need for mortgage-specific databases, data feeds, and programs required to update, calculate, aggregate, and display this data. 

Trading and operational problems can be reduced by providing all clients with common information, calculations and analytics.

As an eMBS client you will not need to store mortgage data locally or create programs to display it.  You'll access it as you need it by using the website directly and storing your portfolio(s) if you wish.  

If you have an intranet, link to the website screens.  All you'll need to store in your system is a security identifier and the quantity you own. 

The  programmatic access product provides connectivity directly into your applications.

See our Functional Overview for more information about our data, processing, analytics and technical environment.

eMBS needs your feedback in order to develop products and services that will be valuable to you. Take a demonstration tour and use the feedback form to comment on the usefulness of eMBS products and services to your business.

eMBS is a member of the Tampa Chamber of Commerce's Committee of 100. eMBS also represents the New Economy sector on its Economic Development Steering Committee.

Contact Information

(813) 971-8982
Electronic mail


Send mail to embs_support@bkfs.com with questions or comments about this web site.